Living Like It’s Your Last…
Enjoyment of the ephemeral things in life is often an automatic practice…. But what about enjoying the more concrete/constant elements of one’s day to day experience as a human being; the unnoticed, unmentioned, and unappreciated? More often than not people wake up every day in the same body, and take for granted the basic components of their physical, mental, spiritual and social structure- until they wake up one day and it’s all changed. The incremental break down can seem to sneakily accumulate until, one unfortunate morning, your mind surfaces from sleep to discover you are old, tired, and filled with regrets… and you aren’t sure where all the time went.
What if you could avoid that morning?
“Mindfulness” is a buzz-word worth the attention it’s receiving, and it’s the key to ensuring you don’t join the massive population of shocked individuals who just suddenly realized they forgot to live their lives and now they are practically standing in their graves.
For me, I have chosen to re-adjust (at fairly regular intervals) my vision for the future, as well as my perception of my past, and view of the present. The Hebraic concept of the future is actually a window into your PAST… to know where you have been is to know where you are, and to know where you are capable of going. This is not to say that your past fully dictates your future, but it IS a tool to measure the necessary level and definition of success you can safely say you will need to live a fulfilled life down the road. We must learn from how we have lived, and fearlessly change what needs to be changed for optimal levels of self accomplishment in the future. While one eye is to be trained in either direction, I will say again that you mustn’t forget the mindfulness of the here and now. It is in this present space in which you can traverse a road not yet travelled, or return to the desolate fields of past failures- your choice. Between the untouchable worlds of your Past and Future, lies the treasure of your Present, and within it your personal Happiness and Fulfillment.
You are given, at birth, the ability to live your life in a way only you can.
Granted, circumstances, race, religion, etc. may be hinderances or catapults along the way, but it still remains true that you are the only one who can live YOUR life. If this is the only chance you get, perhaps we should all live it like it is our last. Don’t just eat the treat before you, experience it with the utmost enjoyment… Don’t love your spouse as though you will have another someday… Today you should dance, sing, create- like it’s your last opportunity.

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