Why People Crap On Your Dreams…
It’s a natural reaction for people to doubt your abilities if they themselves lack said qualities; next time you share a dream from your heart, please remember that fact. When my husband shares his crazy (but phenomenal) ideas with me, I am challenged to constantly step back and check that my reaction is not born out of SELF doubt.…
Hawai’i is as frustrating as it is fulfilling at times. The longer I live here and contemplate tourism, the more it has become clear that great poverty often exists in the most beautiful places on Earth. This is true in part just because it’s so warm and lush that one can get away with being a lazy slob and…
Boundaries (Part #2)
I believe boundaries should not just be for your physical body and space, but they need to be addressed on an internal level as well. Having empathy for another human being (or anything for that matter) takes up space within the self. I in no way want to discourage anyone from being empathetic, but I do want to stress…
Boundaries (Part #1)
There’s something just so incredibly special about cutting a giant chunk off of your thumb while in the presence of a seasoned chef… on her mandolin no less- right after she told you not to cut yourself. What’s even more special is effectively hiding the fact from her ALL DAY, successfully, and continuing on to teach some jazz classes…
Living Like It’s Your Last…
You are given, at birth, the ability to live your life in a way only you can....