A New Year… With New Focus
I’m fairly certain that even people who say, I don’t believe in New Year’s #resolutions,” are prone to making them in January just like everyone else. It’s hard to avoid honestly. Even if you follow the Hebrew calendar, you still see “2019” everywhere you look.
Each year I make different goals, but I thought I would share the ones I am sitting on for this trip around with more of an audience. You know, my own self vs. all of you, probably ought to keep me more on track than going at it alone! Feel free to hold me accountable to the things I’m about to list ;P
1.) Enjoy more moments of just ‘being’
— Being with my little boys while they are still little…
— Being with my husband while we are still deeply in love and growing together…
— Being present in every class I teach, every piece I choreograph or perform… because someday I might not be able to dance and it is a true gift!
— Being grateful for this beautiful life I am living. You can’t see what will come tomorrow, but you can see what’s in front of your own eyes and actually take it in.

2.) I am tired of just trading hours for dollars.
Being tied into a system that only allows me to help so many people at a time. I get HUGE fulfillment from my job, and every time I am able to help someone it feels like walking on clouds. I can’t fit everyone into the studio though… So, this year I am launching multiple courses online to begin entering a new global community to help more people than I ever could have dreamed. I want to create more content this year than ever before in my career. Projects I want to do & that make my experience of living here feel so full (in a good way) can no longer take the back burner. This includes: — Choreography, Videos of dance and family, and Multiple online courses to maximize my impact. Here is my newest FREE mini-course for Body Conditioning- grab it while enrollment is still open!!
3.) I want to cook more of the food that brings me joy.
It’s easy to compromise what you really want for a more convenient solution on a busy work night. The reality is that I can do better. I can plan more (like I teach other people to do for goodness sake!) and ensure that we are always prepared to be nurtured and nourished. I tend to stick to a pretty tight budget, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy cooking/baking to the fullest.

4.) Be a better friend.
Gifts at holidays, BBQ’s, kava at the beach days, kid’s play dates, coffee dates… I want to close this next year feeling dialed into those close to me, knowing I support them, and in turn, they support my family too.
5.) Pay off debt.
I still owe my midwife a substantial amount for the 2 births we had in our home back in Montana. I would love to be able to just pay it all off AND tip her for all the late night phone calls and constant love… not to mention her patience as we have very slowly paid her!
6.) Last one- Tidy up.
I’m talking about the house, organizing the closets and all the toys, going through all of my pictures and videos on my phone (backing everything up better and sorting/editing) and minimizing the various places I store things ‘in the cloud’ as well as physically. I don’t enjoy the run around of looking for an old piece of writing or a picture I want to pick back up and cannot locate in the multiple storage locations I currently juggle. Marie Kondo has a pretty excellent method with finding happiness through this type of clearing. Hopefully, I can tap into a little of that. 🙂 Fingers crossed.
Well, there you have my top goals for this year. There are others on a more personal level, but this is a blog, not a diary ;D Now I want to invite YOU to share your goals in the comments below so I can help to keep you on track too… Life is so much more enjoyable when we all work together to reach for the amazing things we have been designed to do. Being a lone wolf doesn’t work all the time, and if there’s one thing I definitely want to develop more of in 2019, it’s a community. I hope you’ll join me.
Here’s a link to my free {mini} body conditioning course if you want to start right away on your fitness goals with me:
Integrative Self Re-Investment School
With Deep Love and Affection we can now bid farewell to last year and look confidently into our bright futures… not neglecting the present though, as that’s my top goal for this New Year.
#2019 #newyearnewyou #likeitsyourlast #familyfirst #stayfocused #foodie #dreambig #anythingispossible