This section of my blog has many faces… Recipes, straight up food indulgence, Health rants, Galleries of deliciousness… I am a foodie down to, and inside, my bones. For me, Food Is Fellowship (thank you, Sara Mandeville, for that oh so accurate phrase), and I still spend time “plating” my kids’ food despite knowing they will likely toss it all on the floor. It’s important to love the food you eat, enjoy it, and allow yourself to be filled with gratitude that you were created to live in a vessel that requires such scrumptious fuel.
For my ex-husband’s birthday a few years ago I rolled a sushi feast.
Complete with a caterpillar roll and all…

I’m A Breakfast Addict…
I’ll add a recipe box soon with some of my favorite- Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Low Oxalate, Vegan, and Naughty breakfast recipes… In the meantime, here’s a small gallery to get your interest peaked ^.^